Pass or Fail—Don’t Rush it Away

Pass or Fail, It’s Okay! — Just Don’t Rush Your Life Away

“Trust in the LORD with all of your heart, and lean not to your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5 (ESV))

Several years ago an elderly friend of mine, nearly thrice my age, said to me: “Honey, don’t rush your life away. Enjoy each and every day. Life is fast. It can take you by storm. The only thing you can really count on is the LORD. Your life will be finished in a flash. So don’t wish it away. Make the best of it, both the good and the bad.” I can’t say that I really understood those words at the time, but all these years later, I think I finally get it—both in word and in rhyme. …

The older I become, the faster life and time seem to go by. I have learned that with every ending, there is a new beginning; and likewise, with every beginning, there is a new ending.

Passing or failing the bar exam is much the same. Passing it is like the ending to a new beginning; failing it is like the beginning to a new ending. Either way, you will never be at this exact place, moment, or time in your life, ever again! Hence, don’t rush it away.

Don’t worry about your past or your future for that matter. Trust in the LORD that somehow, some way, things will work out okay! Try to enjoy exactly where you are at this very moment. Maybe things could be better; maybe they could be worse. Any way about it, you are moving forward into a new chapter of your own personal book. Seize the moment; seize the day. Whatever you do, just don’t rush your life away!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV))

Copyright © Aplus eBooks Publications – All Rights ReservedPosted Sep 21, 2015

Notable Bar Exam Failures